Welcome to the download page for the LackeyCCG Custom Pokémon plugin (V0.1). This format has been carefully curated from original cards (ORICA) designed in the spirit of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Supported by the works of the Faking Community.

To update or install this plugin, copy this link (https://ptcgcustomplugin.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/updatelist.txt) to your clipboard. Go to the Plugin panel in Lackey and click the "Paste AutoUpdate URL" button. Then hit the "Install or Update from URL" button.

Alternatively, you can watch the installation tutorial videos at http://lackeyccg.com/gettingstarted.

Files and card images should download as needed. If there are any issues or concerns, please contact bbninjas at the PokeBeach Forums [link].